PLPROC's development was partly funded by the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Australia to whom I am deeply indebted.

PLPROC is a “parameter list processor”. It was written to expedite the use of PEST in conjunction with complex spatial models which may possess structured or unstructured grids.

PLPROC provides a modeller with a high degree of flexibility in building a parameterization scheme for a complex model. Innovative parameterization schemes can be developed with user-developed scripts that provide access to PLPROC functionality through a series of function calls. Functionality that is accessible through these calls includes the following:

  • use of two- and three-dimensional pilot points
  • interpolation to structured and unstructured model grids
  • interpolation using inverse power of distance, kriging (simple and ordinary) and radial basis functions
  • spatially varying variograms to accommodate differences in pilot point spatial density throughout a model domain
  • spatially varying anisotropy that can reflect values assigned to pilot points 
  • arbitrary mathematical operations between values assigned to pilot points and between arrays based on a model grid
  • combine pilot points and zone-based parameterization
  • inter-parameter-type dependencies with pilot point adjustment superimposed
  • pilot point parameterization of sinuous alluvial deposits with anisotropy following channel boundaries
  • flexible interface with external data files
  • primitive interface with SGEMS
  • pilot point parameterization of a moveable fault plain
  • extensive reporting of calculation outcomes

Like PEST, PLPROC has a non-intrusive interface with the model that it parameterizes. It uses template files with embedded functions to transfer arrays of numbers to model input files while respecting the formatting requirements of those files.